Friday, July 18, 2008

Application Timeline

Application finished February 1st, 2008

Recruitor nominated me for Computer Science in the Pacific Islands leaving approximately September 2008.

Peace Corps mailed me a Medical Kit on March 3, 2008.

Peace Corps received the results of my physical exam on April 15, 2008.

Application Status Update: May 9th Dentally Cleared

Application Status Update: June 11th. Medically Cleared

Email from Peace Corps Placement Office. July 11, 2008. An updated resume was requested and I replied the same day. Once the Placement Office receives it they’ll add it to my file so that the application can undergo a final review.

July 17, 2008. I recieved a call from my Placement Officer. We discussed a few things and then she informed me that she would contact me with in two weeks with definate information.

July 31, 2008 No call made from Placement Officer.

August 1, 2008 I called my Placement Officer to check on the status.

August 4, 2008 She called and said she is still looking at a place for me and would let me know early this week, most likely Wednessday.

August 18, 2008 I called my placement officer and she mentioned that all of the positions are filled for the fall and winter. I was then offered a computer science position in a spanish speaking country. I was then informed that I would have to take a second level advanced spanish course at a local school. I looked into this possibility--there is no feasible way for me to do this.

August 21, 2008 I received an email from my placement officer stating that there is community develpment position leaving around March.

August 25, 2008 I received an email saying that the community develpment position is also a spanish speaking country and would require me to take the spanish classes beforehand. I subsequently notified her and told her that would not work.

September 3, 2008 I called my placement officer and she proceeded to tell me my best option for placement is in the health field. This plan would leave April or May of 2009 for some place in the pacific islands. I will need to get addtional health experience. I do not need technical experience or classes, but rather in the community setting. The jist of the experience needs to be health education. I was told to contact the places I have volunteered and go from there. I am not completely sure what this is going to look like. I am going to see what I could find and then contact my officer to see if this meets the requirement. I need to be signed up and volunteering before November 15, because this is when the invitations are sent out.

Several months later in February I am still looking for places to volunteer to get health education experience. I feel like I am running out of ideas.  I have to continue to look.

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